There are 4 species of tilefish, three species are found long the east coast's outer continental shelf from Nova Scotia to Florida at depths up to 1000 feet. These species include the common tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) with its pink to purple fins, yellow spots, and bluish to olive green back which can grow to 50 pounds but are usually found 5 to 6 pounds in the market. The other two east coast species the blackline tilefish (Caulolatilus cyanops) found in more southerly waters and sand tilefish (Malacanthus plumieri) which smaller and inhabits tropical shoal waters and bear little resemblance to the others. The sand tilefish has little food value and is not found in the market. The Pacific Species Ocean Whitefish sometimes has a bitter flavor and is therefore not as popular. With their diet of crab and crustaceans their meat takes on a scallop lobster like flavor with a firm texture that is usually tender. The tilefish can be sautéed, grilled, baked, poached, steamed or even used for sashimi. |